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    Unveil all the magical pieces

    The Antidote to Boredom

    We can’t wait for you to explore our latest assortment,
    it's out-of-this-world.

    Styled in your own personal and creative way, it’s the Antidote to Boredom. Scroll down to enter the magical world of this season’s must-have fashion.

    Watch the campaign film here

    "I found this portal, it took me into new dimensions.

    I saw myself in a new light and remembered what it was to be fearless, to be – me."

    "It was like something out of a fairytale. The air was just different there, like pure happiness."

    "I looked around, and realised – I wasn’t alone anymore."

    "I found something that had been within me all along. The Antidote to Boredom."